
We offer two solutions that nail your off-page seo.

Feel free to compare prices, cases and results with industry leaders and find wholistic value with Perpetual Media. 

Where does it

Content here, content here, making it look like readable English.

All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. It uses a dictionary of over 200 Latin words, combined

Link building




Who is it for?For someone who already has linkable assets but haven’t been seeing much traffic and aren’t hitting their growth rate. For people on the path of dominating the SERPs of money making keywords but just need the push. For leaders in the niche who want to maintain their edge for the foreseeable future and outclass competitors.
Backlinks Per Order8-1016-1824+
Min. domain rating505560
Complimentary Audit
Toxic Backlink Audit


KPI Reports
Custom Tracker
Strategy meetingsBi- Weekly Weekly Weekly
Keyword and Backlink Gap Analysis
On-Page Optimization
Choices for websites

Content writing

Package Name


Deliverables7,000-6,000 words
a month
10,000-12,000 words a month15,000+ words a month
Who is it for?For freshers who
do not have any
link-able assets in
their niche.
For warriors who need to holistically grow their content and not just the 20% that brings 80% of the traffic.For bigwigs who need higher engagement rates with their existing readers.

Further specifications.

  • Up to 1,200 to 1,800 words per article.
  • Links to partner websites aiding link exchanges.
  • The full SEO package:
    • Extensive keyword research and clustering
    • In-depth target market analysis
    • In-depth competitor analysis 
  • Up to 2 rounds of revision

Let us

Eliminate internal fatigue

Free up your time by letting us handle everything related to KW analysis, content ideation/creation and link building. 

Generate ideas beyond your niche

Content and backlinks alike do not need to be chained to a single spectrum. You never know in which industry your brainchild really would shine. 

Swap stagnancy for measurable growth

Everything we do is quantified. Being able to use the stats to make informed decisions is the catalyst for assured results.